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[caption id="attachment_1432" align="aligncenter" width="682"] Shot By Deja Jordan. Hair & Make up by Katarina Van Derham[/caption] Growing up as a ballerina I learned the awareness and appreciation for my body. As a model I learned tricks that would help me look my best. Living with an auto-immune disease, I learned...
This Guy! Let me introduce you to my dear friend, Rib Hillis. Rib and I have worked together for years and I have always been enamoured by the combination of his talent and passion for his family. Rib has been a successful model working for clients, such as Versace, Armani,...
My first approach to healing my family or myself is the most natural or organic route possible. I was blessed to have my son naturally at home and have continued to raise him holistically. There have been times when I did rely on Tylenol to get a very high fever...
I am beyond excited to introduce you to this angel, Kaela Lebow. She is an inspiration on so many levels. She was born with Quadriplegic Spastic Cerebral Palsy and also has Osteoarthritis, Rheumatoid Arthritis, and Osteoporosis. How one young woman can handle all that and continue to shine brighter than...
[caption id="attachment_1340" align="aligncenter" width="357"] Kuan Yin is the bodhisattva of compassion.[/caption] Compassion is the understanding or empathy for the suffering of others and helping them to come out from the suffering. You can imagine what someone is going through and have sadness for them and in turn comfort them, but...
I am so grateful that I learned early in life about environmental defense actions I could take to help the world. One of the biggest influences was my Aunt and Uncle, whom lived a very simple, eco- conscious lifestyle. As a child it was one of my favorite places...
I am often asked about probiotics. A lot of people seem to be confused as to when they should take them and what a probiotic even is. Probiotics are the opposite of antibiotics. Antibiotics are meant to kill bad bacteria in the body but doing so it also kills healthy...
Meet Mercedes Yvette. You may recognize her from America's Top Model Cycle 2. She became famous for being the gorgeous ball of light on the show but more than anything, she revealed that she had lupus and helped bring awareness to the disease. On the show she struggled with health...
Today I remembered that I was human and I gave myself a break. Always accomplishing the impossible. Giving birth was my first experience, although I felt more like a Goddess that had found my calling. Then as if I was a triathlete on my last steps, I was pushed into...