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5 Ways To Have Eternal Love

I think everybody's wish is to be loved. To feel complete, unconditional love that does not waiver from outside influences. A love that fills your heart and swells your soul. A complete contentment. There are two ways to feel this magical love, self-love and faith. There is nothing else that can encompass this type of magical, eternal love. This does not mean that you can not open yourself to love others, quite the contrary. We were born to love one another but having the constant love for yourself and believing in something outside yourself first will help sustain all the other love that comes and goes.

How to have a heart full of love:

1. If you don't love yourself, how do you expect anyone else to? Let go of the criticism and start seeing yourself as a beautiful creation that is here for a grand purpose. Treat yourself with the love and compassion you would a child or if you were a child again, what advice would you give yourself about your self-worth and love.

2. No pity parties, acknowledge your feelings and let them pass, refrain from sulking in them. Be happy for others, especially lovers, we are all in this journey together and you will have your turn.

3. Faith, believe in something bigger than yourself and commit. Believing in something outside yourself is what religion has mastered and has helped many through turbulent times. Find what works for you. Being able to tune into a feeling of unconditional, abundant love from your God, no matter what else is going on in your life is a tool that has endless possibilities.

4. Trust the process and practice self-love all along the way. There is no self-love when you compare yourself to others. Stop judging yourself and others. Surrender to what is and learn to enjoy the process, especially the rocky parts.

5. Disperse your love. Often when people are in committed relationships they lose some of the constant love for others, not in a cruel way but their lover seems to fill their heart so abundantly that its common to focus all ones love on that individual. If this partner were to ever leave, it could feel as if the love disappeared. Love is matter and whether it be focused on one person or many, it is the same love. It did not disappear. It was always there just focused on one person instead of many. Take that love and disperse it back onto yourself, friends and family and let it envelop you.

* Keep your love tank full with the love you have for yourself first.

Comments (8)

  • Kristen on March 27, 2017

    You have such a beautiful message always. Thank you for sharing!

  • Suzanne on March 27, 2017

    Wonderful post! It’s so important to treat ourselves with love and be conscious of self-talk. Learning how to be my own best friend was the best thing I ever did. Namaste.

  • goldenyogi on March 27, 2017

    Thank you:) xo

  • goldenyogi on March 27, 2017

    Love it! Thank you for sharing:) xo

  • Marcia Daly on March 27, 2017

    #HAPPYFRIDAY Love this!!!! have a great weekend. Lets talk about setting up a few shoots for your book next week :)


  • Antoinette K on March 27, 2017

    Thank you for this! You’re amazing <3

  • goldenyogi on March 27, 2017

    Thank you!:) xo

  • goldenyogi on March 27, 2017

    You too!:) xo

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