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In The Glow Blog

Posts tagged: organic

10 Fun Magickal Charms

1. Apply THE SIGNATURE BLEND to all your pulse points and your heart to attract your true love. 2. Carry a pinch of THE TANTRA BODY POWDER in your pocket to increase your psychic powers. 3. Apply THE YOUTH BEAUTY FACE OIL SERUM day and night while reciting your affirmations...

More Trees, Less Walls

    At The Golden Secrets we are committed to natural and organic products that compliment your inner and outer beauty without harming the environment or animals. We carefully select all of our ingredients, taking into consideration sustainable harvesting and fair trade practices. Knowing that plant botanicals are most effective...

Turn Your Coffee Into a Superfood Golden Latte

My super food, anti-inflammatory, immunostimulant, metabolic- boosting, energizing Golden latte. This is not your ordinary latte. With a couple extra ingredients added to your every day cup of Joe, you can be energized & feeling & looking your best! Ingredients: Organic coffee beans Unsweetened organic almond milk (no soy!) MCT...

The 15 Healing Items I Always Have In MY Bag.

This post contains affiliate links. Please read our affiliate disclosure policy. My must haves that I always have in my bag/purse.  Most items can be found at your local health food store. * Rescue Remedy gum & spray- Flower remedy, natural stress reliever that is great for any moment where you are...

5 Days to Detox at Home/ Day 4

Day 4: Apple Cider Vinegar, Turmeric, Tangerine or Lemon Juice with Chia Seeds optional Upon waking up in the morning make one cup of this ultimate cleanser. Boil some water into a kettle or on the stove top. Meanwhile grate some turmeric (about the size of your thumb),wrap into cheesecloth...

Natural Ways To Fight Acne

Having beautiful skin is a necessity when you are a model but even if you're not getting your picture taken, one of the first things people see is your skin. A blemish can keep someone locked in the house or embarrassed to go out in public. There are so many...