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In The Glow Blog

Posts tagged: healthy-living

Jesse Q+A - January Edition

This post contains affiliate links. Please read our affiliate disclosure policy. Thank you to everyone who sent in their questions on Instagram — I love hearing from all of you and I wish I could answer every question. Answering five of the most asked below :) FYI I will be doing this...

10 Reasons To Get Some SunShine!

Whenever I find myself getting off  balance with my health or my life, my first resource is always nature.  Everything that we need to heal our mind, body and soul is in nature.  We are no different from any other living thing on this planet. We all need air, water,...

10 Ways To Encourage A Workout.

I love working out.  I just don't feel the same when I don't get a good sweat in.  Of course I have off days, but only to recover from the brutal work out the day before.  Even though I love the way working out makes me feel I still need...

Stretching Towards The Fountain Of Youth

Stretching is a magical place that holds the fountain of youth. I think most of us go around thinking that someday we will work on our flexibility but we just never get around to it.  There is so much fear about the act of stretching that procrastination is a guarantee....

The New Rocking Chair

          Rocking Chairs definitely have their purpose but when my son wouldn't fall asleep and I knew the only thing that would work was bouncing  him up and down, the yoga/stability ball was my Golden ticket.  As soon as my son was getting tired and cranky I...

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