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Could You Be An Empath?

All of my life I have felt different and struggled with things that didn't seem to bother other people. Over the years I have learned that I am more sensitive than most. Things  affect me on a cellular level and since I was a child I have been absorbing other people's emotions.  As a child, I often preferred to be alone in my room because it was the only time I felt at peace and in control.  Learning to protect myself from people and environments that did not suit me was a hard lesson to learn.  There has been unexplained bouts of depression and  extreme sensitivities and  confusion that caused isolation.  Literally taking on others pain and heart ache.  Years of absorbing other people's toxic energy has put a toll on my immune system.  Unknowingly trying to create love in a world of fear.  Everything I went through has been classic signs of being an empath.

 Here are a list of traits to check to see if you are an empath:

Do you sense who people are right away? Beyond intuition, empaths feel on a deeper level and intuitively know things.

Do people open up to you and tell you things that they have never told anybody before, even on the first time meeting them.

Do you often cry and have bouts of depression for no reason at all.

Do you feel other people's sadness, darkness, or pain?

Do you have to urinate often? Urinating is one way of releasing and flushing but there are many other forms.

Do you find it almost unbearable to be around crowds of people and loud music?

Do you suffer from asthma or an auto immune disease?

Do you bring out the truth in people? It is almost impossible to lie to an empath.

Do you suffer from abandonment. If loved ones are not ready for their truth, they will run. Empaths bring the truth out in people without even knowing it.

Do you have a deep connection to nature and animals. Most empaths have to have at least one animal and be close to nature.

Do you crave solitude? It is an absolute necessity for empaths to have alone time.

Do your emotions change depending on who you come into contact with.

Here are things that you can do to protect yourself and be the light worker you were meant to be:

Put up invisible barriers or boundaries to protect your energy field. Imagine a white bubble around yourself or mirrors facing outward. Do this visualization daily and especially before you know that you are going to be in a crowded or spiritually dark place.

Sage yourself through out the day. Cleanse your aura with sage to release any negativity that you may have taken on without knowing it. Bells, chimes can also be used to clear your energy field so that you do not absorb harmful energy. Epsom salt baths are a great way to cleanse yourself of any unwanted energy and the ocean goes without saying could be one of natures best remedies for cleaning ones slate.

Crystals are a great tool for enhancing clarity, strength, and intuition. I always have a crystal near me either as a necklace, ring or in my purse.

Ground yourself with a meditation or a yoga practice. Something that you can do to tune in to differentiate your feelings and others feelings that you may have taken on. You can not help everyone. Steer clear of energy vampires that drain you and enable you to help others that will benefit from your light. Dont ignore your instinct . Follow your gut and if it says a place or person is bad don't ignore it.

Read 8 Musts For Empaths HERE

In order for the light to shine so brightly, the darkness must be present. - Francis Bacon

Comments (15)

  • marlyn klaarmond on March 27, 2017

    So true!! I really enjoy your blog. Keep up the good work:) xx

  • goldenyogi on March 27, 2017

    Thank you! Happy you like it:) xo

  • Kris Bethea on March 27, 2017

    Greetings GoldenYogi!
    You have some terrific insights into empaths.
    We could use someone like you to help other empaths on their journey to finding themselves. There is a group on Facebook, if you are interested, where we support and learn from each other. I think you would be an excellent addition to the group, if you have the time and inclination.

    If you are interested, the group can be found here:

    huggles and Blessings,

  • goldenyogi on March 27, 2017

    Thank you!:) I will check it out:) xo

  • Adriana on March 27, 2017

    After reading about being an empath I realize that I am one. This explains a lot! I see it as a good and bad thing. No wonder I worry so much about my loved ones, friends, and clients. Thanks Jesse!
    -Adriana (your hairstylist);)

  • goldenyogi on March 27, 2017

    Oh my kindred sister. I know and I am so happy for you. You are amazing!:)

  • Suzanne on March 27, 2017

    I appreciate this so much !!!!!

  • goldenyogi on March 27, 2017

    So happy you do!:) xo

  • Tanya Garrett on March 27, 2017

    This describes me to a TEE! I am extremely sensitive to other people’s energy. Often times they latch on to me and remain long after we are no longer in physical company. I have found that simply having awareness that I am not in my own energy along with saging is a MUST.

  • goldenyogi on March 27, 2017

    Yes!:) Protect yourself and your power:) xo

  • 8 Musts For Empaths « The Golden Secrets ® on March 27, 2017

    […] you are indeed an empath, then you have accepted that you are a little “different”.  Here is a link to previous post to see if you are an empath. There are different rules that you should abide by to prevent yourself from harm and to learn how […]

  • Michelle on March 27, 2017

    I have just recently discovered that i’m an empath. I have always felt out of place and overwhelmed when I am around people. It has gotten to the point that I stay in my room most days because I can’t handle anymore emotions I thought i was going crazy i have been in intense therapy for over a year now and have been put on meds that just cant seem to help. I just wish there was someone I knew who could help[ me learn to control it. It has lost me friendships and i have done things i would never do on my own and often don’t realize till im alone that it wasn’t what i wanted.

  • goldenyogi on March 27, 2017

    Im so sorry for your struggle. Time alone, meditating has really helped me. Also long walks help me get clear. Please follow some of my other tips, like smudging and salt water baths. Sometimes surrendering is the best. Trying to gain control only gives “it” more power. Embrace your uniqueness. Sending you lots of love:)

  • Miracle #20114 | THE MIRACULIST on March 27, 2017

    […] that you are a little “different”. Here is a link to previous post to see if you are an empath: . There are different rules that you should abide by to prevent yourself from harm and to learn how […]

  • Miracle #20170 | THE MIRACULIST on March 27, 2017

    […] that you are a little “different”. Here is a link to previous post to see if you are an empath: . There are different rules that you should abide by to prevent yourself from harm and to learn how […]

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