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Posts tagged: lifestyle

Q & A With Inspiring People

I met this beautiful, inspiring Mother through Instagram. Although I have not had the pleasure to meet her in person, I feel like I know her through her beautiful pictures and images via social media. Amanda Fay's light exudes through the computer and you are instantly left feeling uplifted and...

5 Questions To Ask Yourself To Help Remove Blockages In Your Life.

[caption id="attachment_1448" align="aligncenter" width="700"] Shot by Alexander F Rodriguez[/caption] We all have things that hold us back from our true destiny.  Although I believe the theme for our life is chosen long before we come into a body, we do have a choice to take the hard or the easier...

Q & A With Inspiring People.

This Guy!  Let me introduce you to my dear friend, Rib Hillis. Rib and I have worked together for years and I have always been enamoured by the combination of his talent and passion for his family.  Rib has been a successful model working for clients, such as Versace, Armani,...

Western & Eastern Medicine. They Both Have their Place.

My first approach to healing my family or myself is the most natural or organic route possible. I was blessed to have my son naturally at home and have continued to raise him holistically.  There have been times when I did rely on Tylenol to get a very high fever...

If you keep doing the same thing, then you will keep getting the same results.

We are all guilty of getting stuck into a routine on a daily basis. Routines that are not so healthy for us but we keep doing it because it's comfortable. Then we sit and wonder why we can't get into shape, keep attracting the same moron, or experiencing the same...

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