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This post contains affiliate links. Please read our affiliate disclosure policy. Thank you to everyone who sent in their questions on Instagram — I love hearing from all of you and I wish I could answer every question. Answering five of the most asked below :) FYI I will be doing this...
The Honeymoon- Ahhh the honeymoon period. You know that feeling when you have met someone you really like and you get butterflies just thinking about them. You find yourself day dreaming and dancing on cloud nine. Hormones overflowing with excitement, you seem unable to sleep and your appetite is com…
10 reasons to give yourself the gift of yoga this holiday season. 1. Yoga instills a peace of mind, no matter what outside influences there are. 2. With consistent practice, yoga creates a healthy, subtle body which combats common problems that occur with the aging process. 3. Helps clear negative...
With the recent, devastating news of Fukushima leaking radioactive materials directly into the ocean, our lives will never be the same. North American food supply is potentially being poisoned all along the pacific. Even if you are not a fan of sea food. The water supply and air is getting...
Have you ever walked into a room and felt the negative energy hit you like a ton of bricks? Or had an argument with someone and felt the tension in the air? If you are sensitive like me, then you could possibly even absorb this negative energy if you don't...
What better time to be grateful and give thanks for what we have in our lives than in November. Thanksgiving is all about giving thanks and having gratitude for what we have. It shouldn't be just one day a year, it should be every day, every meal. It's so easy...
Prevention is your best defense against break outs. We all know the basics like washing your face and cutting out sugar, but here are some other tips that you may never have thought of. 1. Keep it clean! Wash your hands then your face and make sure the towel you...
Rocking Chairs definitely have their purpose but when my son wouldn't fall asleep and I knew the only thing that would work was bouncing him up and down, the yoga/stability ball was my Golden ticket. As soon as my son was getting tired and cranky I...