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In The Glow Blog

Posts tagged: mental-health

Life Isn't Always Love & Light & Thats Ok

If you are a frequent reader of mine then you know how much I love transparency. I have always been very open about my life and all its windfall. Ultimately that is where I have learned and evolved the most. The Golden Secrets began with me sharing my secrets of...

What Dreams May Come/Overcoming Depression

In light of Robin Williams tragic suicide. I am inspired to share my own experiences with depression. I feel it is important to be transparent so that people do not feel alone. I always say that we are all in this together because we truly are. What we put out...

Finding Balance In Your Life

Life is all about finding balance. Striving to create harmony within ourselves and within our lives. If we do too much in one aspect of our life than the others suffer and the same goes if we don't do enough, then we become stagnant and stop growing. Listening to our...

10 Reasons To Get Some SunShine!

Whenever I find myself getting off  balance with my health or my life, my first resource is always nature.  Everything that we need to heal our mind, body and soul is in nature.  We are no different from any other living thing on this planet. We all need air, water,...

10 Ways To Encourage A Workout.

I love working out.  I just don't feel the same when I don't get a good sweat in.  Of course I have off days, but only to recover from the brutal work out the day before.  Even though I love the way working out makes me feel I still need...

Why I Refuse To Have The Word "Jealous" In My Vocabulary.

Ten years ago I vowed to never use the word "jealous".   Every time I would hear that word I would tense up and cringe.   No matter what angle you look at it or how you try to defend it, once you have uttered the word "jealous" the energy...

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