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1. What is one life hack that changed your life? Psychedelics (disclaimer: not making a medical recommendation here) helped me heal from trauma and become a more open person. But they have major risks and people should not approach them haphazardly. 2. What is your favorite TGS product and why? I r…
If you look at the back of your skincare, perfume, shampoo, scented candles, makeup and pretty much all personal care packaging you will probably see the word "fragrance" or "parfum" in it. These words are actually listed to replace each individual ingredient (chemical) so that companies can protect their signat…
The Truth About Your Favorite Fancy Perfume Did you know that fragrance is referred to as the new second-hand smoke? Not only is this toxic habit damaging to you, but to everyone around you as well. Perfumes/fragrances are extremely popular and I know people who won’t go in public...