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In The Glow Blog

Posts tagged: exercise


10 reasons to give yourself the gift of yoga this holiday season. 1. Yoga instills a peace of mind, no matter what outside influences there are. 2. With consistent practice, yoga creates a healthy, subtle body which combats common problems that occur with the aging process. 3. Helps clear negative...

Embrace Your Body and Let Go of Judgment For Yourself and Others.

For those of you who do not know, I have Rheumatoid Arthritis. These are some pictures of me at my worst. Unable to walk for almost a year, dealing with severe side effects from both the disease and medicine. I am 5.10 and was under 95 lbs. Losing chunks of...

5 Days to Detox/Day 5

Day 5: Exercises to Target Detoxification Jumping or rebounding, preferably on a trampoline, has special benefits regarding detoxification. It stimulates the lymph system, which is where the body stores unwanted debris, such as fats, bacteria, and other harmful materials. The lymph system relies solely on the body's movements to help...

Eternal life! Staying Young & Beautiful

When it comes to aging gracefully, my Mom has been my biggest inspiration. Not only is she gorgeous on the outside but she is strong on the inside. Always accomplishing those agility tests as a 20 year old! My Mom has a young free spirit, always open and ready for...

My 8 Golden Rules to Optimum Health

I am often asked what my work out/diet regime and lifestyle is. To make it real simple I sweat almost every day and I eat clean about 80% of the time. Being healthy is a part of my life and crucial to being the best person I can be. Here...

The Gift of Yoga

10 reasons to give yourself the gift of yoga this holiday season. 1. Yoga instills a peace of mind, no matter what outside influences there are. 2. With consistent practice, yoga creates a healthy, subtle body which combats common problems that occur with the aging process. 3. Helps clear negative...

5 Promises To Make To Yourself Today

1. Don't be so hard on yourself-  Treat yourself with as much love, compassion and understanding as you would an infant. Nourish yourself with good foods, excercise, rest and surround yourself with people who love you unconditionally and make you laugh! 2. You deserve all the positive blessings in the...