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A clean home is a healthy home but I'm not talking about surface cleaning with poisonous substances like bleach or having some clothes left on the floor. I'm talking about the things you may not think about. Your house may look clean to the eye but it may be filled...
In light of the recent Boston tragedies... My son and I had a conversation that I shared on Instagram and it got so much positive feed back that I had to elaborate and write an article about it. On the way to school my son said, I am sending positive...
Meet my dear friend Daniel Smith. He is a USA triathlon coach, competitive triathlete, personal trainer, high school track and field coach, photographer, writer and artist. Daniel grew up on a small farm in a tiny township on Lake Erie, in Vermilion, Ohio. Daniel served in the US Army Combat...
The very fact that you are reading this and questioning if you are on the right path, validates that you are. Whether this is your first step or your final attempt for clarity. These steps will help heighten your vibration to ensure your brightest path possible. 1. Dream journal as...
We are all guilty of getting stuck into a routine on a daily basis. Routines that are not so healthy for us but we keep doing it because it's comfortable. Then we sit and wonder why we can't get into shape, keep attracting the same moron, or experiencing the same...
I come from a ballet background, where the studios are surrounded with mirrors, so that you can see your alignment. It was quite a difference when I walked into my first yoga class and saw that there where no mirrors. Most gyms, studios, pilates,martial arts, even cycling classes have mirrors...
I was lucky enough to meet Natalie Uhling while doing a photo shoot together for Under Armour. We instantly connected about our love of health, fitness and our families. It is not often that you meet a beautiful, talented, smart, inspiring and most of all kind woman in this business...
[caption id="attachment_797" align="aligncenter" width="700"] One of the last precious moments I had with my dear Grandmother.[/caption] Recently I have had several conversations where the topic of "legacy" came up. I just finished my will and had a lot of unexpected emotions arise. Not the sadness of death itself but...
[caption id="attachment_787" align="aligncenter" width="700"] My son, Kaleo and I running up the stairs to his classroom.[/caption] There are so many opportunities on a daily basis to get your heart rate up and burn some extra calories. Incorporate these simple ways to jolt your metabolism on a daily basis and you...