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I think we all dream of meeting our soul mate and having them sweep us of our feet and living happily every after. This ideal image that plays out in fairy tales and most movies fail to show the hard work and compromise that such a divine relationship takes. Everything...
Final Honeymoon - This is the final stage. The stage that kept our grandparents together for over 65 years. The stage where real true love is derived from. Once you have gone through all the gunk and mess of finding out about each others wounds and tics and go...
Blame- All of your energy has been focused on your new relationship. You realize you have been neglecting yourself. You used to take care of yourself more by eating healthy, working out, accomplishing work goals but instead of taking responsibility for this change, you blame your procrastination on your partner....
Love! A human being can not live without love. First and foremost love for yourself. Love is truly what makes the world go round, what breaks us, rebuilds us, and fills our lives with hope. Our first love is often felt from our Mothers. If we are lucky, we will...
I think everybody's wish is to be loved. To feel complete, unconditional love that does not waiver from outside influences. A love that fills your heart and swells your soul. A complete contentment. There are two ways to feel this magical love, self-love and faith. There is nothing else that...
1. Don't be so hard on yourself- Treat yourself with as much love, compassion and understanding as you would an infant. Nourish yourself with good foods, excercise, rest and surround yourself with people who love you unconditionally and make you laugh! 2. You deserve all the positive blessings in the...
Having a child is one of the most amazing gifts we can receive in life. It is a huge change in one's life to go from caring only for yourself to having your life revolve around another human being. It is possibly the biggest responsibility in our lives and absolutely...